Carl Hammer Gallery

Carl Hammer Gallery is recognized world-wide for its discovery and representation of historically significant artists within the “Outsider” and self-taught genres, including 

internationally renowned artists Marcos Bontempo, Henry Darger, Bill Traylor, Joseph Yoakum, Eugene Von Bruenchenhein, Lee Godie, Howard Finster, Frank Jones, William Dawson, Wilson “Snowflake” Bentley, Simon Sparrow, Albert Zahn and others.  

Additionally, it represents both important historically and contemporary significant artists from major art traditions both nation-wide and world-wide, including Don Baum, Roger Brown, Grace Graupe Pillard, Chris Pyle, Cameron Gray, Alicia Henry, Jay Kelly, Marilyn Murphy, Ed Paschke, Bill Rauhauser, David Sharpe, Hollis Sigler, Fred Stonehouse, Ken Warneke, and Mary Lou Zelazny. The dialogue between “mainstream” and “Outsider” artists is both important and is influential in determination of both our exhibition criteria and artist representation.

Visit our website for exhibition and opening information.

Images, clockwise from top left: Bill Traylor; Chris Pyle; Ed Paschke; Henry Darger